Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Reaction To President Obama's Speech on Syria

I try to stay informed in the happenings of the world but I often timed get a little over whelmed with all that is happening.  I find it difficult to know who I should listen to and who not to listen to. This being said I have taken it upon myself to read up a little about the happenings of Syria these past few days from a couple of different international news sources.  I am not one that thinks fighting will solve all the problems but I also believe that we are privileged to live in the United States of America where we don't know what it is like to being fighting every day for our freedoms. I believe that every human being has the right to freedom and it is our responsibility to watch over our neighbors.
As I watched the Presidents speech I found myself agreeing with a lot that he had to say and as I followed the twitter thread I had a mixed reaction to what people had to say. I took a couple of screen shots through out the time of the speech from Twitter. I tried to keep them random to reflect what was being said.

The reaction on Twitter didn't really change my opinions, what I could tell there are a lot of people on both sides that don't want to be wrong.   I didn't follow on Facebook. I think Social Media is an easy way for people to write what they are thinking without thinking it through, especially on Twitter.  It is easy to type something up and hit send without thinking about who will see this and how they will feel.

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